Online Workshop in Structural Methods
KARYASHALA program (High-End Workshop) : Accelerate Vigyan Scheme

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The chemistry department of IISER Thiruvananthapuram is conducting the karyashala a high-end workshop training for scientific instruments such as Electron microscopes, NMR spectrometers, X-ray diffractometers and different mass instruments. The main objective of this workshop is to provide the students with a unique opportunity to work with most sophisticated instruments for structural characterization.

There is a growing need for skilled personnel trained in sophisticated instrumentation. This workshop is focused on different techniques in Electron microscopy, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Mass spectrometry. The intensive workshop will give the participants a valuable opportunity to gain a firm theoretical basis and obtain practical experience in the aforementioned high-end techniques, data processing, spectral analysis and interpretation. Due to Covid-19 all the sessions will be online guided by experienced members drawn from the IISER Thiruvananthapuram chemistry faculty.

The program is designed for PG students.
Duration of the workshop is 5 days.
The number of students are restricted to 100.
Register for the workshop using the registration link in the top menu
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